Sixth Deleuze and Guattari Studies in India Conference 2023 (Hybrid Mode)

(The venue and exact date will be announced soon)


Organised by 

Deleuze and Guattari Studies in India Collective 


Ian Buchanan
George Varghese K 

Conference Convener 
Manoj NY


Deleuze and Guattari Studies in India Collective after the successful completion of Manipal, Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi and the 2021 online conference on the theme ‘Life Infinite’  announces its sixth conference to be held in hybrid mode, taking into consideration the post pandemic situation, in 2023. The exact dates and venue of the conference will be announced soon. The theme of the conference focuses on the pertinent and contemporary theme of ‘deterritorializing Deleuze and Guattari’.  The selected papers from the presentations  will be published as the  fourth volume in the ‘Deleuze and Guattari Studies in India’ series. The first volume in the series was the special issue of  Deleuze Studies titled “ Deleuze in India” (eds Paul Patton and George Varghese k) and the second one, titled “Deleuze, Guattari and India: Exploring a Post-Postcolonial Multiplicity” (eds Ian Buchanan, George Varghese K and Manoj NY), by Routledge has come out very recently. The editing of the third volume (eds Daniel Smith, George Varghese K and Manoj NY) and the fourth volume (eds Paul Patton, George Varghese K and Manoj NY) are in progress.

Conference Theme

 Despite  the commendable strides  Deleuzo-Guattarian philosophy has made in recent times, certain anomalies in its stance related to the West-non-West relation are  getting precipitated.  The postcolonial  and the “ post-postcolonial” critiques of the West are pivoting them in sharper tones. The most controversial statement Deleuze and Guattari  made in  this regard was that the true form of philosophy was Greek , and compared to  it, the other  versions of philosophy like Chinese,  Indian, Jewish and   Islamic were only  “prephilosophical” forms. Again, certain inadequacies in the use of anthropological data from the  non-Western cultures in their system have also come under criticism. Rather than putting Deleuze and Guattari  to  a stringent trial on this count, what is required is a more comprehensive re-engagement with the non-Western societies and their identity from a more enriched Deleuzo-Guattarian perspective. Such an association is sure to induct a new vigor into Deleuzo-Guattarian philosophy also, which otherwise seems to be getting sapped of its potentials for remaining bogged down in its Euro-American setting  for too long.  In this context, we have  invaluable lessons  from history of many important philosophies tumbling into redundancy after a certain point of time, for the sheer fact of  refusing to move out of their  European turf.  Existentialism is an important example; to an extent phenomenology and Marxism also.  “Deterritorializing  Deleuze and Guattari” becomes the most sensible idiom to capture  this predicament and thus emphasise the  need for more centrifugal orientations.  

 If the deterritorialization of  Deleuzo-Guattarian philosophy is imagined in a spatio-geographical sense  as made above, there is a temporal/historical  complement  to it also.   From a  non-Western perspective, most of the analyses made using Deleuzo-Guattarian tools are with a contemporary emphasis, distributed into areas like capitalism,  postmodernism, feminism, environment, technology, cinema,  and so on. Compared to them,  the so-called conventional areas  like history, anthropology, science, art history , archeology, world system, revolutions or trade are  lesser stressed. This becomes especially conspicuous with respect to the earlier periods. The few important works  we have  from the past mainly  pertain  to Deleuze’s  philosophical bloodline that stretches to Duns Scotus and immanence in the Middle Ages via Nietzsche and Spinoza. Other than pure philosophy  it is theology  that has received increased attention,  with most of the works articulating some version of Scotist immanence and univocity. 

It seems that the Western calling of  Deleuzo-Guattarain philosophy is reaching a  singularity point of saturation that requires a more comprehensive reterritorialization of  it into history and other milieus.  Of course, this new project cannot be initiated abruptly by  wrenching it  from its  present Western milieu and its rich legacy. But it is something that needs to be seriously and urgently addressed. This conference aims to give a special emphasis to this point, within the larger ambience of the general discussion of Deleuzo-Guattarian philosophy.    

As explained, the theme of the conference encompasses  deterritorialisation of Deleuze and Guattari in spatial and temporal terms as they  unfold in  nature, society, culture, and history. There will be specific sessions and panels on themes pertaining to the Indian and the Asian context. The themes of the conference include but not limited to those listed below: 

Conference and Panel Themes 

  • Deleuze, Guattari and Indian Philosophy
  • Diagrams of Caste, Culture, and Indian Society
  • Civilisations and Diagrams
  • Deleuze, Guattari,  Archaeology and History
  • Deleuze, Guattari, and the Crisis of Capitalism
  • Deleuze, Guattari and World Systems
  • Deleuze, Guattari and Science
  • Post-colonial Differentials and Ethnic Issues in Asia
  • Deleuze and the Ontological Turn
  • Deleuze and New Technology
  • Gender, Culture, Identity and Politics
  • Post/Trans/Antihumanism 
  • Deleuze, Guattari and New Social Movements
  • Pandemic, Illness and the New Biopolitical Regimes
  • Climate Change and Anthropocene
  • Deleuze, Guattari and Third World Cinema

Plenary Speakers 

Key note speakers and Plenary speakers for the conference will be announced shortly.

Conference Registration 

The conference registration form for the conference will be available soon in our website. Please keep a tab on our website for further updates.

Abstract Submission

To be updated soon

Draft Paper Submission

To be updated soon

Conference Schedule 

The conference schedule will be updated here soon